Friday, December 19, 2008
Short, But Deep
photo of Seane Corn via
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Letting Go
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Arms & Back
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jivamukti Yoga
Jivamukti Yoga, "practices for liberating body and soul." I would love to practice jivamukti yoga, and teach it. I love how it focuses on study & understanding of the history, etc of yoga as well as promoting a deep asana practice. Too bad there's no studios anywhere near me. They have studios in NYC, Toronto, Munich, London, and Charleston. I hope to do a teacher training through them one day. For now, I'll read the book, and do as much on my own as possible.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Off the Mat
One of the biggest lessons I have learned from doing my yoga practice is that everything is connected...EVERYTHING. Our treatment of the earth has a direct affect on us. So I am an adament environmentalist and anti-consumer. This is part of my yoga practice..."90% of yoga is practiced off the mat" according to him.
Hope you will join us in this endeavor.
Unusual Gratitude
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New Day, New Person
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm Back, More Dedicated
Whatever pain you feel, take it in, wishing for all others to be free of it. Whatever pleasure you feel, send it out to others. In this way, our personal problems and delights become a stepping-stone for understanding the suffering and happiness of all beings.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Suryanamaskar A
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Left First
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Rain for Music
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Space Between
photo via:
Monday, September 8, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
"90% of our yoga practice is off the mat." -Pattabhi Jois
Lately I have been feeling the need to rest more in my yoga practice. But I also need to remember to rest in the rest of my life. I like this picture of a couple just sitting on their porch relaxing. This weekend I hope we can slow down our yoga practice as well as our lives to refresh ourselves before we have a breakdown.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
What are the bandhas? They are most often referred to as "energy locks." I like to think of them as an "energy bind"...used to seal in life energy as I practice yoga. There are three major bandhas: mula (my favorite), uddiyana, and jalamdhara. Respectively the perineum (Kegel muscles for women), the navel, and the chin tucked in towards the chest. I really believe that the bandhas are the secret to a graceful practice.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Yoga To Open
Monday, August 18, 2008
Home Again
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yoga Job! Glory, Hallelujah!
photo via: danusunt, flickr, see it here.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Gratitude & Reverence
Anyway, last night I practiced a sequence that went back and forth between postures that opened my heart in gratitude and postures that brought me bowing forward with reverence. I think I held uttanasana for 25 minutes. An experience that was undescribable. I needed that reverence. You should give this a try.
photo via:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
photo via: White Mountain Yoga
Monday, July 21, 2008
1 Weekend Down, 25 Hours To Go
This weekend I spent most of my waking hours at Zuda. I'm completing their teacher assisting and anatomy training. It's been an interesting experience, full of learning. I am definitely learning some things about assisting and anatomy. But more importantly I am further defining what direction I want to go in as I work towards teaching full time. I am meeting lots of yoga teachers, and finding that the way I want to go in is not the norm. I am feeling strongly that I will be doing a lot of study on my own...but that doesn't mean I will stop going to teacher trainings...I hope to attend more. I also am feeling that I need to get my Yoga education from more than just studios...I need to take University classes that teach me about Hinduism, the history of Yoga, Hinduism, and other Eastern Religions. I need to get another degree from a University. Can you get a second degree once you've already graduated? Anyway, I'm happy to be learning a lot.
photo via: (Anne Marie & Bill)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Guru Purnima
This is a story Gangotri shared with me in relation to Guru Purnima.
There is a beautiful story told about a man who wanted to walk on water. He begged his guru to give him a secret mantra or a special boon so he could complete this remarkable feat. The man was extremely pious and devoted, and he had been in his guru's service for many years. Therefore, the guru gave him a leaf, folded many times until is was very small. He told his disciple, "Within this leaf is a secret formula which will enable you to walk on water. However, you must not open it because the formula inside is a secret."
So the man agreed, and he takes the folded leaf carefully in his hands and begins his journey across the river. He is walking fine when suddenly he is overcome by curiosity. What could be this secret formula? Is there really a secret inside? Is it a powder or a stone or some holy mantra printed? Where did his guru get it? His doubts get the best of him and he begins slowly to open the leaf as he walks, careful lest any of the secret formula should spill out into the water. As soon as he unfolds the last piece to unveil the secret, he suddenly sinks into the water and drowns. Inside the leaf was written the simple word, "faith."
It was not the leaf, nor any secret powder or mantra that enabled the devotee to accomplish a miracle. It was the strength of his faith in his guru and in the "boon" his guru had given him. As soon as that faith wavered and doubt crept in, his life was lost. This is the power of faith.
photo via
Friday, July 18, 2008
I can't go anywhere without hearing about Eckhart Tolle and his fix-everything books. I've been hearing about him for over a year now, but the past few months it seems everyone is talking about him at all times. I hesitantly bought The Power of Now book last week and have read the first fifty pages. It's good. Why the hesitancy? It feels too much like a fad. Yes, I'm being way too judgemental here. What I've read so far is good. He words some things very nicely and with clarity. I guess I am uncomfortable with the unquestioning attitude that everyone seems to have. It is a bit irksome that if Tolle says it, it is truth. I think that a lot of what he says is least it feels that way to me. But there are some things that don't sit as well. How come no one else is questioning? I know a lot of you have read his stuff...what do you think about him? What do you think about my thoughts on him?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ready to Just Watch
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Nervous. Very.
Can anyone explain to me the "science" behind the feeling of nervousness? What happens to our bodies when we are nervous? I would be very interested.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Crossing My Fingers...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Weekend Homework
This Weekend: Veggie Burgers
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Too Hot & Polluted
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Om. Namah. Shiva.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Goal: One Week
The Bhagavad Gita is an epic poem...a conversation between a warrior and a god. It is a good source to learn Hindu philosophy, as well as good philosophies for life. At least, that is what I am told. The excerpts I've read have been beautiful and enlightening. I'll let you know what I think next Tuesday.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Yoga Outside
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Going Away To Breathe
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Ujjayi Breath
Monday, June 30, 2008
When we feel balanced it is true that we also feel at home. Through a practice of yoga there are many aspects that will aid in bringing balance. Pranayama, breath control/practice, is a wonderful way to bring balance to your day. Sitting in a comfortable position, closing the eyes, and simply watching the breath come in and go out...working toward equalizing the length of each inhale with each exhale. The asana practice also brings balance...each pose asks you to lift up while rooting down while breathing in and out. Each transition also requires a simultaneous lift and grounding.
In our daily lives there must be sadness and happiness to bring balance. We are always looking for happiness, and if we are sad one day we feel it is a "bad" day. Not so. Feeling sad is part of it all. My sad days are just as "good" as my happy days.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Holistic Anatomy: Zuda Yoga
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Most Ignored Posture
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Why I Love Yoga: a reason
It's Yoga in Provo, UT is where I did my very first teacher it is dear to my heart. Monica (a teacher there, and in this have to find her) was with me in my second teacher training...she is a real joy. It's Yoga is now offering classes for people with MS. The story is here. I love yoga because it truly helps is life changing.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yet Another First: My First Real Injury
Remember my first fall? I have finally pegged it as the culprit for my incredibly sore deltoids. Since my fall out of handstand I have barely been able to do chaturanga...I'm lucky if I can do it with my knees on the ground for support. So I must have overlooked my shouler injury at first because I was taking care of my nose bleed. It's been two weeks since that fateful day. It's hard to be patient. I want to do chaturanga oh so badly, but just when I think I'm feeling better I give it a go, but I end up wincing with pain. This is what I am constantly telling my students to look for: pain versus discomfort. Chaturanga can be very uncomfortable when you are fatigued or just learning, but this is a sharp pain I am matter how energized I feel.
So for now I will work on practicing patience.
Friday, June 20, 2008
My First Love: Astanga Vinyasa
These past few days I have noticed that Power Yoga does indeed have its benefits, but I've had to add my own Astanga practice in each day because I found I am getting quite tight. I LOVE the Astanga system. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites or attachments, but for now I do. It is what it is. Below are some paraphrased things I remember Larry teaching us about Yoga.
Yoga is a purification system. Our training begins when we leave it. Learn the heart of the practice (the breath). Breathe off the mat. The power of the practice is transformation. The breath is food for the spirit. Yoga is about liberation. Breathe out your pain. Place your mind in your bandhas. Astanga is the art of sequencing. Create a relationship with your mat. Go slow with your life. You are a being machine, not a doing machine. Say it, do it, move. Should be stronger at the end of a class. Become light by doing the exercises. Sun Salutations are about a ritual. Everyone's gotta do Triangle differently. Study transitions, not the pose. All movement is good movement. ONLY TEACH WHAT YOU LOVE.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I will now practice falling.
Friday, May 30, 2008
You Know You Want To
I feel that often we don't take action when it comes to living healthier, more aware lives. I was talking to my husband about how I try to get women to start doing yoga by gathering a group of friends in their home/apartment for regular yoga classes. That way they can split the cost, and it's very affordable. But few people make the little effort to start. Why?
I wish I knew a magical chant/spell/prayer to make you all feel how beautiful and capable you are. I wish I knew how to connect us all.
For now I will say a prayer and breathe it out into the Universe and patiently wait.
A Bit Overwhelmed
I am trying not to get down about it, and have tried to readjust my expectations. Perhaps my time in Sacramento should be a time for me to be a full-time yoga student. To learn all I can from as many different schools as possible.
When I am honest with myself I admit that I am not as into the journey as I would like to be. I'm constantly planning ahead and looking to the future. I want to be perfect now. Obviously I am not quite ready to teach at the level I want to. That takes years...for everyone. For now I will be happy being a student, and teaching in a more casual atmosphere when the opportunity arises.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Chakra Exercise
For further information on chakras visit Syl Carson's website White Mountain Yoga. Look for her book, CD, and DVD titled " Seven Sacred Centers."
1. 1st Chakra, Muldahara, "I have", place your hand on your lower back, or underneath your sit bones.
I am my true identity, I love being here, I love my body, I am beauty, I am healthy
2. 2nd Chakra, Svadhisthana, "I feel", place your hand(s) on your lower abdomen.
I am worthy of love, I am grateful to be a woman, I am the right one, my life is right and good.
3. 3rd Chakra, Manipura, "I can", place your hand(s) at your navel/solar plexus.
I am powerful, I am strong enough, I am rested, I am moving forward with my life, I am fulfiilled.
4. 4th Chakra, Anahata, "I love", place your hand(s) over your heart.
I am loved because I was born, I am enough, I am fulfilling my heart's desire, I am compassion.
5. 5th Chakra, Visuddha, "I speak", place your hand(s) lightly over your throat.
I hear and speak truth, I am the authority in my world, I am the creator of my life, I am honest, I am honored.
6. 6th Chakra, Ajna, "I see", place your hand(s) at your forehead, between the brows.
I am intuitive, I am perceptive, I am insightful, I am clear, I am a healthy mind.
7. 7th Chakra, "I know", place your hand(s) at the top of your head, at the crown.
My life is my teacher, I am important to God, I am seeing my true self, I am knowing my inner voice.
Remember to take some quiet, still time everyday. Even if it's only 60 seconds. Start with 60 seconds, and increase it daily, weekly, or whatever you can make time for.
Thanks again for all of your lovely comments and support. It was a lot of fun.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Women's Event: Our Glass Slippers
Thanks to Liz for hosting such a lovely day, and thanks to all who came! You were a generous and wise crowd!