Monday, March 31, 2008

Yoga In Every Moment

This morning brought a few inches of new, slushy, heavy snow. So we had to shovel the parking area and sidewalks of our apartment building. I enjoyed the sound of the shovel on the wet pavement, the collecting of snow in my shovel as I moved forward, and the clear blue skies overhead. This was my morning feel connected to the snow that brings the earth nourishment as it melts. I too hope that I bring nourishment to the earth. I hope I bring nourishment to all those I know, and to those I will never meet.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Started a three-day liquids only cleanse today. This fast from solid foods will get rid of acid, toxins, and mucus that has built up in my digestive will create space (literally) for reflection. After three days my energy will begin to free itself.

I'll be drinking juices, teas, and water. Usually there is a natural inclination to slow down so I will modify my yoga practice, go for casual walks, read books, and write.

When I am done, I'll start by eating whole grains and steamed vegetables.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Kind of Anatomy

I am currently reading this book. It is so enlightening and revealing. I love her approach to healing and the fact that she mentions over and over that healing is proactive. It also brings out repeatedly that our bodies, minds, and spirits are linked...what we do with one affects the other.

This book has been great on a personal level and has helped me to see why my body experiences certain pains, restrictions, liberations, etc. I can't wait to read it through, and then again.

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Journey

Vrschikasana, Scorpion, is my newest journey. Why? I want to feel my body fly and relax into this seems so liberating and empowering. I like this photo because the woman has slim arms...there is hope for those of us with small muscles! Who knows when I'll get there, but right now I'm having fun exploring the possibilities.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Vernal Equinox: Rebirth

Who doesn't like the symbols of and literal rebirths? Well we are upon our Spring equinox, where the flowers, grass, and animals start a new life cycle.

The very first time I attended a yoga class I was overcome with the beauty of the sybolic and literal rebirth I experienced after svasana (corpse pose, a symbol of death), then entered into a fetal positions as I woke my body again at the end of the practice. Yoga is about rebirth again and again on so many levels.

Dedicate your practice this weekend to the renewal of your body, mind, and spirit. Namaste.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Nightstand Reading

I picked up this little book, The Couple's Tao Te Ching, at the spa last week. It's been a lovely little treat to read before bed the past few nights. Last night I read the following:
Paradoxes abound in love
and they must be fully lived.
Being wounded is the only way to healing.
Being at fault is the only path to forgiveness.
Feeling empty allows for satisfaction.
Longing for another brings passion's fulfillment.
This goes right along with my deep belief that there must be opposition in ALL things. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The New Moon

The moon and feminine energy go hand-in-hand. The New Moon corresponds directly to the Oracle/Crone feminine archetype. This is a Re-birth phase. Once we reach this stage in our lives it means we have overcome the other stereotypes: Maiden, Mother, and Enchantress. I think I am a far way off from reaching the Oracle stage in my life. I sometimes wonder if I ever lived my Maiden archetype...and if I didn't, how can I do that now? The thing is I have to live the Maiden archetype before I can move forward. Any suggestions on how to fully embrace the Maiden in me?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


This morning I needed to come back to a ritual...the Primary Series. I needed to connect to something that has been on the earth hundreds of years longer than I. There is something about participating in a ritual that is oh so comforting. Perhaps because we know we are not alone - we are aware that these same movements have been explored by thousands, even millions, of people. I am indeed grateful today for my foundation in Astanga Yoga. It has allowed me a firm place to spring from.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The sixth chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is your third eye. It is your intuition. My intention with my yoga practice today has been to fine-tune my intuition with every movement. Using my mind's eye to feel the pose, rather than forcing myself into what the pose looks like for other yogis. This morning I was made aware of how rusty this chakra is for me. Tonight when I practice again we'll see if there is any difference.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Today I had my first ever Thai Massage at the Kura Door (courtesy, my Valentine). This is what I've been looking for to add to my personal yoga practice. I mentioned to a friend only a few days ago that I felt that I had hit a wall in my yoga. During and after my massage I realized what I need to implement more into my practice: relaxation. And I'm not talking savasana for 90 minutes (though that's not a bad idea). I need to RELAX in each pose...forget about what it looks like. Stop straining. I know I've heard all that before, but during my massage I realized just how tense I was. My massage therapist kept telling me to relax over and over. My muscles were kicking in without my mind even knowing it. This week I will get over what my asanas look like or where they should be going. It's time to relax, and give into my body and intuition.

If you go for a Thai Massage, ask for Celeste.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bhakti Yoga

"The yoga of devotion...Bhakti Yoga is the path to self-realization and union with the ultimate force of the which a parctitioner cultivates faith and devotion, surrendering to the Divine. This is achieved by channeling one's energy and devotion through posture, chanting, singing, scriptural study, ritual, and service to one's particular divinity. Sanskrit is central to this path, as it is the language of the sacred scriptures, chants, and mantras, used for devotional practice...Bhakti Yoga is based on complete faith and surrender to God, but it is not a passive surrender; indeed, one's whole being is active in the process." Sacred Sanskrit Words, Leza Lowitz & Reema Datta, pp. 53-54

Each Sunday will be my blog day for Bhakti Yoga. I want to share with you chants, rituals, scriptural study (that will come from all religions), and of my journey to surrender completely to the Divine.

Today I have two thoughts to share

My heart holds within it every form,
It contains a pasture for gazelles,
A monastery for Christian monks.
There is a temple for idol-worshipers,
A holy shrine for pilgrims;
There is the table of the Torah,
And the Book of the Koran.
I follow the religion of LOVE
And go whichever way his camel leads me.
This is the true faith; This is the true religion.
-Ibn Arabi

Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy, But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil AND the good, and sendeth rain on the just AND on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? BE YE THEREFORE PERFECT, EVEN AS YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT.
(My thoughts on this command to be perfect: the passages that I have written here speak of loving EVERYONE...this is how we become perfect, it's about LOVE.)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Suryanamaskara: The Sun Salutations

One morning this week I spent 90 minutes working through Suryanamaskara A & B. The ritual came alive in a new way that was so nourishing and informative. I think I will do this more often to continue exploring the benefits.