Friday, June 20, 2008

My First Love: Astanga Vinyasa

The first yoga class I ever went to was a Astanga Vinyasa class at It's Yoga in Provo, UT. I was a faithful student there for 1.5 years before I did my first teacher training with them. During our training we were privileged to have a couple days with the founder of It's Yoga (in San Francisco), Larry Schultz.

These past few days I have noticed that Power Yoga does indeed have its benefits, but I've had to add my own Astanga practice in each day because I found I am getting quite tight. I LOVE the Astanga system. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites or attachments, but for now I do. It is what it is. Below are some paraphrased things I remember Larry teaching us about Yoga.

Yoga is a purification system. Our training begins when we leave it. Learn the heart of the practice (the breath). Breathe off the mat. The power of the practice is transformation. The breath is food for the spirit. Yoga is about liberation. Breathe out your pain. Place your mind in your bandhas. Astanga is the art of sequencing. Create a relationship with your mat. Go slow with your life. You are a being machine, not a doing machine. Say it, do it, move. Should be stronger at the end of a class. Become light by doing the exercises. Sun Salutations are about a ritual. Everyone's gotta do Triangle differently. Study transitions, not the pose. All movement is good movement. ONLY TEACH WHAT YOU LOVE.

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