Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ujjayi Breath

The Ujjayi breath is the heart of a yoga practice. It calms the mind, and helps in meditation. For me, the inhale is usually more shallow than the exhale. But when I really concentrate on the inhale I find that I have more strength and will power to get through challenging postures and flows. Truly the breath is like ocean waves. Think of when the waves come into the shore, they have great power and force. When they recede they completely relax, but they relax with power as well. So next time you do your yoga practice really pay attention to the power of inhaling and exhaling.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I believe that about breathing. It does begin to help you relax and refocus on what is good and what the purpose for the day is to be. It's helped me during stress.