Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Today I am finalizing my project for my Tai Chi Yoga Movement class. I will be teaching the class about the doshas. I only get 20 minutes...which is a HUGE problem. I'll just do what I can. Understanding the doshas is an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine. Air, Fire, Water/Earth are the universal elements that combine to create the doshas. When the doshas are not in equilibrium disease will manifest in the body. Through our life practices we can bring the doshas into harmony to avoid disease. Each dosha corresponds with an element: Kapha (water, earth), Vata (Air), and Pitta (Fire). Our diet, yoga, and daily activities can harmonize or throw the doshas out of wack. I hope to continue to learn more about the doshas. In another life I would be an Ayurvedic doctor.

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