Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Today I am finalizing my project for my Tai Chi Yoga Movement class. I will be teaching the class about the doshas. I only get 20 minutes...which is a HUGE problem. I'll just do what I can. Understanding the doshas is an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine. Air, Fire, Water/Earth are the universal elements that combine to create the doshas. When the doshas are not in equilibrium disease will manifest in the body. Through our life practices we can bring the doshas into harmony to avoid disease. Each dosha corresponds with an element: Kapha (water, earth), Vata (Air), and Pitta (Fire). Our diet, yoga, and daily activities can harmonize or throw the doshas out of wack. I hope to continue to learn more about the doshas. In another life I would be an Ayurvedic doctor.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Power of Ten

Do any of you remember watching this 8 minute film in elementary school? It's decades old, but still interesting to watch and to think about. It explores the vastness of our universe as well as the enormity of each one of our own cells. It's really quite amazing to think about how there is literally a universe in each cell. Incredible. I love moments like this. I love moments of awe.

If you haven't seen the short film, watch it here.

Monday, April 7, 2008

What Is It About Classical Music?

What is it about classical music, especially the cello, that truly feeds and guides my yoga practice. Whenever it accompanies my morning practice it seriously triggers my sixth chakra, my third eye, my intuition. I LOVE IT! I always feel so nourished and alive after a classical-yoga session. Try it. Today I ended with Claire de Lune in svasana. Beautiful indeed.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Yoga Needs Some Joy

I went with my husband last night to see the Alvin Ailey Dance Company perform at Kingsbury Hall. It was absolutely inspiring and incredible. As I watched the dancers move in a way that was unreserved and powerful, I realized what I was missing in my own yoga practice: joy. I have no problem being deliberate, compassionate, or mindful in my practice...but I am usually all too serious. I need to make my yoga a dance, and something from the most joy-filled parts of my whole being. This morning I tried some "joy" was oh so fantastic! I'm also signing up for a few dance classes to get my body moving and to tap into that flow.