Thursday, September 4, 2008


Bandhas. My practice as of late has neglected the bandhas for the most part. There is some attention given to uddiyana, but not enough. I need to bring back my bandha practice. When I really use them it is only then that I've been able to float into challenging balances. I really feel that no matter how much muscle I build I won't be able to have a graceful yoga practice without the bandhas.

What are the bandhas? They are most often referred to as "energy locks." I like to think of them as an "energy bind"...used to seal in life energy as I practice yoga. There are three major bandhas: mula (my favorite), uddiyana, and jalamdhara. Respectively the perineum (Kegel muscles for women), the navel, and the chin tucked in towards the chest. I really believe that the bandhas are the secret to a graceful practice.

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