Friday, July 18, 2008


I can't go anywhere without hearing about Eckhart Tolle and his fix-everything books. I've been hearing about him for over a year now, but the past few months it seems everyone is talking about him at all times. I hesitantly bought The Power of Now book last week and have read the first fifty pages. It's good. Why the hesitancy? It feels too much like a fad. Yes, I'm being way too judgemental here. What I've read so far is good. He words some things very nicely and with clarity. I guess I am uncomfortable with the unquestioning attitude that everyone seems to have. It is a bit irksome that if Tolle says it, it is truth. I think that a lot of what he says is least it feels that way to me. But there are some things that don't sit as well. How come no one else is questioning? I know a lot of you have read his stuff...what do you think about him? What do you think about my thoughts on him?


Liz said...

We question as we read- I like the books, but it doesn't mean I agree with EVERYTHING in them. So, we are and have questioned it, but want to leave it open for the new reader to figure out rather than fill your mind with preconceived notions.

I think he touches on some great points, but it is just the beginning- it really goes a lot deeper. I finished the book wanting to get more info.

Dee said...

I totally agree with you. Loved the general idea. Be conscious, live deliberately, learn who your authentic self is...and it's all explained very well. But, yeah not everything he says is universal truth for everyone. I am uncomfortable when people take things too seriously as well. I just take the pieces of it I feel are true for me and would make my life better. I had a friend almost make a serious decision based on something Tolle said, that would have gone against her own intuition! She was like, what would Tolle do? I told her, the whole point of the book is to do what YOU would do! So yeah, totally know what you mean. People are the same with Eat, Pray, Love. Women had tried to mimic everything Elizabeth Gilbert had done. It's like, people choose YOUR path.
I suppose it's easy to be distracted and look outside yourself for the answers. So hard to learn how to look inside and trust yourself.