Friday, March 20, 2009


This morning's mantra:
om mani padme hum

it means: om-the jewel in the lotus-hum

"It calls on the bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara, whose name means "the cosmic being of pure consciousness who looks down in loving compassion on the world." He exists within each of us in our potential to feel heart-melting compassion for ourselves and all other living beings." - Christopher D. Wallis

have a compassionate weekend.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Taking It Easy...

image via yoga journal
i spent about half an hour in supta baddha konasana this morning. The cycle continues! Hooray for being a woman!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too Short...

I'm feeling like I ended my yoga practice a little too soon this morning...I can't quite figure it out. So I'm making it a goal today to truly practice yoga in the rest of my day's activities...even as I type I am finding the meditation in that...I will find a connection with the water in my shower to the water that flows through me. I will find breath and movement united as I ride my bike to meet my husband for a picnic. I am extending my yoga practice more deliberately today into ALL that I do. You might like to try it too!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Still Here!

photo by me. 3.15.09

Yes. I'm still practicing and teaching yoga everyday. I'm loving teaching at my mom's home and at the University of Utah as well. I continue to learn oh so much.

Lately, my personal practice has taken on a mind of its acts much like a river. Sometimes I feel as if I am just sitting back and watching my body move and flow. Some movements feel thai-chi-like. My practice just gets more and more fulfilling!!