Below is what we went through for the Women's event last Friday that was hosted by
Liz McCleery (
Our Glass Slippers).
For further information on chakras visit Syl Carson's website
White Mountain Yoga. Look for her book, CD, and DVD titled " Seven Sacred Centers."
1. 1st Chakra, Muldahara, "I have", place your hand on your lower back, or underneath your sit bones.
I am my true identity, I love being here, I love my body, I am beauty, I am healthy
2. 2nd Chakra, Svadhisthana, "I feel", place your hand(s) on your lower abdomen.
I am worthy of love, I am grateful to be a woman, I am the right one, my life is right and good.3. 3rd Chakra, Manipura, "I can", place your hand(s) at your navel/solar plexus.
I am powerful, I am strong enough, I am rested, I am moving forward with my life, I am fulfiilled.4. 4th Chakra, Anahata, "I love", place your hand(s) over your heart.
I am loved because I was born, I am enough, I am fulfilling my heart's desire, I am compassion.
5. 5th Chakra, Visuddha, "I speak", place your hand(s) lightly over your throat.
I hear and speak truth, I am the authority in my world, I am the creator of my life, I am honest, I am honored.6. 6th Chakra, Ajna, "I see", place your hand(s) at your forehead, between the brows.
I am intuitive, I am perceptive, I am insightful, I am clear, I am a healthy mind. 7. 7th Chakra, "I know", place your hand(s) at the top of your head, at the crown.
My life is my teacher, I am important to God, I am seeing my true self, I am knowing my inner voice.Remember to take some quiet, still time everyday. Even if it's only 60 seconds. Start with 60 seconds, and increase it daily, weekly, or whatever you can make time for.
Thanks again for all of your lovely comments and support. It was a lot of fun.