Friday, May 30, 2008

You Know You Want To

So I know there's a lot of you out there who want to start doing yoga. Why haven't you started? Are yoga studios intimidating with their handstands and toe-touches? Do you feel that you have to be flexible or stronger than you are to do yoga? What is holding you back?

I feel that often we don't take action when it comes to living healthier, more aware lives. I was talking to my husband about how I try to get women to start doing yoga by gathering a group of friends in their home/apartment for regular yoga classes. That way they can split the cost, and it's very affordable. But few people make the little effort to start. Why?

I wish I knew a magical chant/spell/prayer to make you all feel how beautiful and capable you are. I wish I knew how to connect us all.

For now I will say a prayer and breathe it out into the Universe and patiently wait.

A Bit Overwhelmed

Before I moved to Sacramento I was confident I could find a teaching job within a couple of months. Now that I'm here I'm feeling a little doubtful. As I've researched all the yoga studios in the area I realize what an infant I am in the world of yoga. Most teachers have at least a decade of experience under their belts as well as multiple teacher trainings (I've done a measly two).

I am trying not to get down about it, and have tried to readjust my expectations. Perhaps my time in Sacramento should be a time for me to be a full-time yoga student. To learn all I can from as many different schools as possible.

When I am honest with myself I admit that I am not as into the journey as I would like to be. I'm constantly planning ahead and looking to the future. I want to be perfect now. Obviously I am not quite ready to teach at the level I want to. That takes years...for everyone. For now I will be happy being a student, and teaching in a more casual atmosphere when the opportunity arises.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Dharma: it's what you were born to do. As my husband and I are about to move to a new place, I have come to terms with that my purpose here is to teach yoga. So I've given up the office jobs! No more will I let the fear of failure rule my decisions. Office jobs were so predictable and safe. That's old new now. I'm looking forward to my new life as 100% yoga instructor. This will be better than I ever could have imagined.

Chakra Exercise

Below is what we went through for the Women's event last Friday that was hosted by Liz McCleery (Our Glass Slippers).

For further information on chakras visit Syl Carson's website White Mountain Yoga. Look for her book, CD, and DVD titled " Seven Sacred Centers."

1. 1st Chakra, Muldahara, "I have", place your hand on your lower back, or underneath your sit bones.
I am my true identity, I love being here, I love my body, I am beauty, I am healthy

2. 2nd Chakra, Svadhisthana, "I feel", place your hand(s) on your lower abdomen.
I am worthy of love, I am grateful to be a woman, I am the right one, my life is right and good.

3. 3rd Chakra, Manipura, "I can", place your hand(s) at your navel/solar plexus.
I am powerful, I am strong enough, I am rested, I am moving forward with my life, I am fulfiilled.

4. 4th Chakra, Anahata, "I love", place your hand(s) over your heart.
I am loved because I was born, I am enough, I am fulfilling my heart's desire, I am compassion.

5. 5th Chakra, Visuddha, "I speak", place your hand(s) lightly over your throat.
I hear and speak truth, I am the authority in my world, I am the creator of my life, I am honest, I am honored.

6. 6th Chakra, Ajna, "I see", place your hand(s) at your forehead, between the brows.
I am intuitive, I am perceptive, I am insightful, I am clear, I am a healthy mind.

7. 7th Chakra, "I know", place your hand(s) at the top of your head, at the crown.
My life is my teacher, I am important to God, I am seeing my true self, I am knowing my inner voice.

Remember to take some quiet, still time everyday. Even if it's only 60 seconds. Start with 60 seconds, and increase it daily, weekly, or whatever you can make time for.

Thanks again for all of your lovely comments and support. It was a lot of fun.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Women's Event: Our Glass Slippers

I'll be posting all the info I gave at the women's event on Monday. So stay tuned...

Thanks to Liz for hosting such a lovely day, and thanks to all who came! You were a generous and wise crowd!
